Wednesday 30 December 2015

2015, In A Nutshell

Salam w.b.t and hi all.

How are you guys been doing? Alhamdulillah, I am doing fine here. As we all know, 2016 is just around the corner. Time flies fast, I mean, really fast.
Time is gold. En route to Aberdeen from Paris
I remember the time I happy, cried, disappointed for various of things. The memories are still fresh, like it just happened yesterday.

A lot of things have happened. A lot of things have changed. Well, we are not living in a static world, are we?

In my head, I have many things to share on this blog but as usual, I don’t know what to start with. Thus, I think I will just share the highlights of events happened in my 2015 calendar.


Start working with SLB

It was exhaustive wait. People might know I am working in Aberdeen, but not everyone knows, how? After Australia, they changed my posting to Indonesia. Unfortunately, my work Indonesia visa did not approve as I did not meet the age requirement. I was 23 at the time. Then, the recruiter made drastic changes, he changed my segment and the posting location. I need to go for all the interview processes, all over again. As they can't simply assign me without knowing my capabilities.

I went to Labuan, again. Hehehe…I took it as a vacation.

Sunset view from staff house in Labuan
Making new friends

I make new friends. I work at Sepen, I make new friends there. You know what, during my last day of employment I cried. A colleague said to me, "Chill man, you just work 6 months here. So, chillex". Hahaha…

My last meeting with Sepen folks
Also, I make new friends in Paris. All are SLB new hired, we met in Paris during OFS-1. I never be in one room with so many nationalities, around 20 nationalities from around the world. Only me from Malaysia. I was quite scare at first, like my English is not so fluent. But, things sorted out well.

The largest batch in 2015 for EAF geomarket, they said
I have new friend here, her name is Kanoon. We are based in Aberdeen but stay at different staff house. Despite of different segment, we contact each other as we are still trying to settle down in Aberdeen. Actually, got several other trainees posted to Aberdeen, but I don’t have the pictures with them.

Me and Kanoon, she is from Thailand
I am sure I will meet more people in the future. I need to improve my social skills and also English, seriously. Haish…I am so not good at mingling around with people.

Miss old friends

I miss my friends, all of my friends although I am not being nice to everyone. I did not have a chance to meet up before I depart to the UK. Seriously folks. I miss you guys. All of you. I don’t want to specify the names, because it will be a very, very long list.

Therefore, I am extremely grateful and over the moon when some old friends randomly PM on Facebook. I really mean it. You know, when you are far from home, and your friends message to say hi, it is a great feeling. The feelings are like, "Owh man, this person still remember me. What a surprise!", "I have someone to talk to. Yuhuu!!".


Well, I know it is from Facebook, but still it is a great thing when the person still has guts to say hi to others.


New place, new environment, and being far from home

Home is where the heart is.

I don’t know how to describe this. But my adapting skill are being test to a whole new level. Freezing cold weather, sunlight for less than 5 hours a day, cultures, job, Scottish accent, foods, and many more. It is not easy I am telling you.
Apart from weather, their Scottish accent is quite a challenge for me
I am still adapting and it is challenging.

Despite of all the challenges, I always pray that I will never forget my responsibilities as His servant, my responsibilities as a daughter of my mother, and always stay down to earth. If I am changing, I hope that I am changing in a good way to become a better person.

Feel a "little bit" homesick at the moment
Experienced various of feelings

2015 is quite emotional year for me. Hahaha…I experienced various of feelings and emotions throughout the year compared to years before. I learn from the experiences, which kind of helping me to become a mature adult. Wihihihihi

Smile, do and pray for the best

I am learning from the past. I am drafting my 2016 resolutions, in my head. Hahaha….I haven't make my resolutions for the next year. Aiyaa….

But I have a personal diary already. My sister, angah gave it to me as a present. Wahaha…I am sure having a diary is a good start, isn't?
One iron woman, three daughters

I think that’s all I have on my mind at the moment. I hope we all will be successful in everything we do, and achieve success in this world and hereafter, InsyaAllah.


So folks, that’s it for now. I will write again in the future. As usual, take a good care of yourself.


Salam w.b.t and chow!


P/S - Great things are not easy to achieve, need a special formula and most important thing is PATIENCE


Friday 11 December 2015

Quick Life Update 4

Salam w.b.t and hi all.
I did not post anything in last month. A lot of things have happened since last month, and I confused and too busy to think on what topic I want to write.
Thus, I think in this entry I will make it simple and sweet. Just in case anyone unsure, I am in Melun, Paris. Some of you may already know from my Facebook. I am here for one week, and today is the second last day.

  1. I left my position as Project Engineer at Sepen Engineering. My last day of employment was on November 28.

  2. I received my passport with visa to work in my assignment country on November 30. It was really, really close as I was due to leave Malaysia on December 6.

  3. On December 6, I spent most of my time in flight. It was the longest flights I ever taken yet in my life. From KL, it was nearly 8 hours and I transit in Dubai for 2 hours. Then, from Dubai I departed to Paris and it took 8 hours as well. It was supposed to be 7 hours, but got a drunk woman, sat in front row of me, and she was not fit to fly. The crews took time to bring her out and to remove her baggage from flight. The situation was insane, I thought I will only see it in the movies. Anyway, I used Emirates Airline throughout the journey.

  4. The jetlag I experienced was quite bad. I felt dizzy, headache, difficulties to sleep, and blur for like the next two days. But it was fine then.

  5. I will leave Paris on 12 December to depart to my assignment location. I will share my location, later. Hehehe…

  6. Also, I have a new wisdom tooth. It was painful like mad last week, but this week it is getting better. Hopefully, the tooth will be well behave from now on. I think I need to take care my personal health really seriously from now. Yes, no more taking personal health for granted.

SLB ELC, Melun
What else…I think that’s all for now. Just so you know, I could not share too details on what I am doing and what I experienced as the company put some restrictions on the information that can be revealed to public. It is not I am stingy, it just that my responsibilities to obey the rules and I don’t feel like creating any troubles.

Besides, the IT people in the company can access my laptop remotely. It is crazy, right….Haha…

Yes, I am publishing this entry from my-brand-new-SLB-laptop :)

I think that’s all for now. If you want to ask anything, just drop me a line. Catch you later, folks. Take care and chow!

Salam w.b.t.

P/S - The food here is nice, got halal at the accommodation as well at ELC. I am well-fed, so no argument here why I don’t look thin. 

See you at the next pit stop