Salam w.b.t and hello folks,
I don’t mind people contacting me
on Facebook to ask about important stuffs like studies, works, jobs, travel
etc. Honestly, I might not be the correct person to answer your inquiries, but
I am trying my best to assist.
Facebook is an informal medium to
ask these kind of things, but I think it is best not make the
conversation/queries to be informal too. Since I don’t know a heck about you
and most of the times, we never come across in the real life. So, I recommend
you to at least introduce yourself, make your queries short and precise, so I
can understand what do you want.
Plus, make less
"huhuhuhu", "hahahaha", "hehehehe", and whatnot
in your questions. As I don’t see what so funny about it.
I believe you don’t message your
uni. professor with "huhuhuhu" at the end of your email.
Also don’t be afraid to ask, no
question is stupid.
And, thanking others for their
time for answering your queries would be great as a sign of appreciation. As
they did not get paid by answering your questions.
I might not a right person to
give this advice, but let's learn from each other.
Take care folks.
Salam w.b.t and chow.
P/S - This is part of our soft
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