Monday, 11 February 2019

It is no longer exciting

Salam w.b.t and hello guys,
If you noticed, this is my third entry for this year. I have been thinking and spending some amount of time in writing.
I am at the land rig, by the way since 29th Jan. I am here with Donnique, she is a new trainee. This is her third job after she arrived in Qatar, and her second hitch with me. She is fine, and still learning. Keep going as I keep telling her.
Do the job, make mistakes, learn from it. It was tough for me at the start to train a brand spanking new trainee, but it is fine.
Anyway, I am not writing to talk about the trainees. I would like to talk about what has been bothering me for the last 2-3 months.
I think I am starting to live in a routine, again. If you remember, 3 years back I had the same situation and I shared it on my blog. If you don’t know what I am talking about, here is the link: Tough Times
What I am doing right now as a field engineer starts to make me bored, truth to be told.
This is the same thing I have been feeling, and it is about to enter the third month.
You see, I am working as a field engineer based in Doha.
Overall, prepare the tools, tool calibrations, wait for any calls for job, then go to the rig, work. At the rig site, as usual drilling operation with I am doing 12-hours shift. Work for 12-hours shift, deal with whatever I have to deal, and finish my shift. Then go back to sleep.
The cycle continues….for how long? 2-3 weeks if it is a complete well.
Then go back to Doha repeat the cycle.
It starts to become a routine.
During the first year in Qatar (2017), I felt everything was very new and I was so busy in catching up with the jobs, meeting expectations, and all. So, I did not feel it as a routine.
Then, came a second year (2018), it was ok. Started to do the job on my own and understood most of the stuffs. Not a big struggle, workwise. However, half of my second year was influenced by my family. My sister was unwell, had to go for surgery, emergency leave, taking care of my mother, she is also a bit unwell now. I also had a muscle spasm at my neck and limited my movement as it affected my physical movement. It was painful. At the time, my job was like a background process. Yeah, I need money to support my life, but at this point I started to think "Is it really worth it?". Am I going to be like this for the next 2-3 years?
Now is my third year. I am starting to feel everything is no longer exciting. I mean everything. Job, Doha, people, money, environment. Everything.
I have been questioning, is this what I want to do for the next 1 month? 2 months? 6 months? Am I going to go through the same cycle again and again until year ends if I am lucky?
It starts to feel the same, I don’t feel the challenges anymore as I can read and already have my expectations of what will happen. I tried to push myself further, learn more, get promotion, increase in salary that kind of thing, but no.
I have tried many times.
Put money as my motivation - No success. I am not saying I don’t need money. But, whatever I earn right now is enough if I spend it wisely. So, money is no longer become my first and strong pulling factor.
I already voiced out my desire for relocation to my mentor so called manager, Farhat. At first, I explained I want to learn new things, tools, work with different clients as I already start to feel bored at the current client. Same politics, same people, same thing. This makes me to enter the comfort zone, and for me it is really scary. As that when I will start taking things easily and make mistakes.
If I am a good engineer at what I am doing, that’s good. However, my potential is not fully stretched yet.
I want to go somewhere else, different people, new environment, new challenges, and learn new things. Send me for loan to another locations, outside of Qatar, wherever. If there is no other place, it is ok, I can go back to Malaysia. However, I still want to work outside of Malaysia for another 2-3 years.
Deep inside me, I really want to move to Australia in particular, Perth. I miss this place so much. I don’t know why, but every time I think about this place, it makes my eyes teary. Even right now when writing it. I think as I grow older, I start to become emotional easily :')
Unfortunately, relocation is not an immediate solution and the way I see it, it is really far for me to reach it and frankly, I don’t even know if this is possible. Therefore, it hardly motivates me to keep going.
All in all, I have lost my motivations. I could not find any driving factors to push me forward.
Therefore, I do what I am doing just because I am doing it.
The last thing excited me was my time in Istanbul. In particular, the moment I stood at Halic Station where I can see overall of Istanbul. That was the moment I confirmed to myself, I made a right decision of coming here. That was the last time I felt full, last 19th January. 
I am in dilemma, really am. I am thinking to take unpaid leave for some time and embark on self-discovery journey, leave all these behind, try to figure out what I want to do and understand more about myself.
I don’t know.
I am lost. That’s affirmative.

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