Friday, 22 May 2020

It is Mental Health Awareness Week in UK

Salam w.b.t and hi all,

For me, there are days where it is sometimes it is going up/positive, and sometimes it is going down/negative. Recently, with this isolation due to Covid19, the situation is getting more frequent.

I will give you my example.

Yesterday, I will work for long hours and get many things done. I had my day like, "Yes, I am going to nail this!". It was like the motivation was really good. Finished my day with the sense of accomplishment.

Started today, "Well, I am not sure what I want to do…" I ended up like doing nothing, shifting through my random stuff - clothes, papers, books, foods, cabinets for hours. From 7AM to 1PM to be exact. No, I was not looking for anything, just browsing hopefully I can find my mood to do something. Netflix? Nah…similarly, browsing, browsing, and browsing the list of shows but not interested to watch any of those.

The cycle repeats. It feels sucks.

Scrolling the media social, news, and do some random reading on internet. After some time, I scrolled in LinkedIn, and a lot of sharing about Mental Health Awareness week.

Eventually, it is Mental Health Awareness Week in United Kingdom. It is from 18 May to 24 May, so this topic has been brought to surface. 

Like it or not, this topic is not always become the subject of discussion. We always hide our mental state from others, reluctant to talk about it. So we will not look WEAK. I am not excluded. That’s why after hours browsing for random things in my apartment, I decided to share briefly this subject on my blog.

Let's look at the diagram below, I think you can relate right.

Be aware of which zone are we at all time. We all been through days where it was full of colour and some days it is gloomy. 

Apart from that, somebody on LinkedIn shared an article written by Malaysian international student in UK. She shared some tips to overcome the loneliness of being away from home. Most of the time, public always have the perception of how lucky the person to be able to study/work/live away. In this circumstance, out of Malaysia - more money, can travel, meeting different people and many more. Believe me, all these mindsets are outdated. It is always a lonely road when you are away from your loved ones. This definitely affect your mental wellbeing. Please read the article here.

This is where I spent most the time during day. 
It is a tough situation for everybody. However, please try to keep yourself healthy and occupy. Call your family, and keep in touch with your fellow friends, better call them. My other two housemates are in the isolation at the client's designated hotel. So, I am alone here. Honestly, it is lonely. From time to time, I texted them individually or in our Whatsapp group. Just to say hello and if they need help of getting their stuff from the apartment to their isolation place.

Hopefully, my entry this time will be beneficial for some of us and encouragement to talk more about this subject. The main idea is, no, having mental issue does not mean we are crazy. It can happen to anyone and it is important to look around us and recognize this.

I am ending this entry with a song from Demi Lovato, I Love Me.

Stay safe all. We can do this!

Salam w.b.t.

P/S - So far, my company does not bring up this topic. Quite unfortunate because it is actually a good time to bring up this topic at bigger scale as it is relevant to the current situation. They do talk about the importance of work safely, Covid19 prevention, STOP unsafe job etc. However, none touch this topic even a slightest, unfortunately. Regardless, look after yourself, your friends, family. 💓💓💓💓💓

Monday, 18 May 2020

Extra measures to travel offshore

Salam w.b.t and hi all,

I am in Doha now. Get off the Rig Lovanda last Saturday, 9-May and I am so happy.

The trip from the rig to Doha took quite a long time, I don't remember I ever experienced this long before. I took off from the rig about 6AM and arrived in Doha approximately around 8AM.

Actually, the chopper travel from Doha - Rig Lovanda - Rig Mick O Brien - Rig Al Jassra - Platform North Field Alpha - Platform Rasgas Alpha - Doha.

Quite a journey.

These days the travel of offshore is pretty strict actually. With the current Covid-19, extra measures are in place.

  • Some of the clients will require the personnel going to their rigs to be quarantined at their designated place for two weeks. 
  • At least two days prior departure, the personnel is arranged for the Swab Test to ensure they are negative. Why two days? The result of the test comes out within 48 hours via text message I believe. I haven't done it but that's what my colleague told me. If the result is negative, then you are clear to go to the rig.
  • Mandatory PPE - Face mask, hand gloves are now part of the mandatory PPE that need to be utilized while going to/off the rig. These will be provided by both rig operators and our company. Like me, most of the time I have extra in my possession to last for some time. 

Here in the chopper about to touch down in Doha. Well, phones are not allowed in the chopper. So this picture is illegal.

Now it is nearly 10 days I am in Doha. Been relaxing, do the online training. Well, nothing fancy. A bit bored as well because I did not go out since I am in Doha. I have been ordering food outside and cook myself with whatever groceries I have in the fridge. All my housemates are away. 

That's the update for now. I will keep you posted. 

Take care and Salam w.b.t.

P/S - When you say, "I don't give a sh*t", do you guys really mean it? Or is it depends on the situation? Or is it just a way to vent your frustration at that point of time? I would like to know the definition when I heard about it.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Monolog kosong

Apa tujuan aku?

Berapa lama aku di sini?

Sampai bila aku harus begini?

Apa tujuan aku?

Kenapa aku begini?

Baikkah pengakhiran aku?

Sebenarnya semua dah terjawab.

Cuma aku yang masih tetap lengah.

See you at the next pit stop