Saturday, 13 September 2014

FEP, My Experience

Salam w.b.t and Hi everyone,

How is everyone doing? I hope everybody is doing well ya. I am a little bit busy lately with preparing the documents required before starting with SLB. I have been poked by 6 needles at a time during the medical examination and did some medical tests that I never thought they are exist in this modern world. Haha, I will tell the story later.

In this entry, I would like to share with the public my experience during the Field Exposure Program (FEP) in Labuan. In case you missed the previous entry, click this link Schlumberger, Recruitment Process to check it out. A few days ago, some readers contacted me to ask for my experience and tips for the FEP. They will go for the FEP, so they are trying to make some preparations, same as what I did before my FEP last month.

Below is my response, well maybe it is not the best tips. Nevertheless, hopefully this excerpt will help for those who are looking for the tips. _______________________________________________________________________________________

Hello ***,

Nice to meet you. Sorry for the delay in answering you, I have been so busy lately. Firstly, congratulations to you for manage to come to this far. I believe you know the recruitment process is so tough and lengthy. Again, congrates!

For the FEP, you don’t need to be worried although you are not from Oil and Gas background. FEP is a way for you to see the lifestyle of SLB employees, the working environment, and get introduction to what SLB is doing. When I went to Labuan, I can see there are many Field Specialists (FS) as well as Field Engineers (FE) in the D&M Segment compared to my segment (Artificial Lift). I believe you will make a lot of friends there :)

For the tips, I believe the main thing is just to be yourself. Then, it will be easier for them to get to know you. During the FEP, you will meet a lot of people, such as FS, FE, Managers, drivers, clients, and staffs from other service companies (Baker Hughes, Halliburton, etc). Try to be friendly as much as you can, and ask questions. I am sure you will get a lot of free advices as well as guidance. During the first day, you will be introduced to the FS/FE that will teach and supervise you throughout the week. Whenever they bring you to the office/field/workshop, do ask questions. Since you are not from O&G background, I am sure you will have a lot of questions and if possible, write down their comments. Be humble and ask, they will not mad. This will show you are willing to learn person. The people I met during my FEW were very friendly and supportive. Also, say hi to the people next to your next desk. Just a way to get to know each other.

Apart from technical questions, also ask about the questions that is not related to technical. For example, the challenges as FS/FE, lifestyle, job nature, positive and negative aspects of working with SLB, and others. Anything in your head, just get it out. FEP is the golden opportunity to gain all these information.

I did not bring my laptop during FEP but I would recommend you to bring it. So that if the FS/FE share the learning materials, you can open them on your laptop. During my time, I wrote down all the activities throughout the week. Then, I made a summary of my experience and feedback on the FEP. Once I got back to KL, I emailed all the related parties these documents. Just an initiative to show what I got from FEP.

Basically, that summarises what I experienced during FEP. I hope you are going to do well in Labuan next week.

This is what I experienced, and it may be different to different people. Thus, do not rely solely on this. So, this is it for this entry. I hope this sharing will be beneficial to the readers. Best of luck for those who are going to FEP and wish me luck as well in SLB. They said the pressure when working in SLB is very high, but I hope I will be doing great. Thank you for reading and see you all in the next entry. Take care and Salam w.b.t.

The view from my hotel room during the dusk in Labuan

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