Sunday, 11 September 2016

"Akak memang lain dari orang lain"

Salam w.b.t and hello everybody.
How are you guys doing? I am doing great! Actually, I was a little bit under the weather. I started having fever last Wednesday, but managed to finish my day at work. On Thursday, I thought I am getting better, but I was not. Fever, runny nose, sore throat, cough, chest pain, but I still came to work. Dave (FSM) and Graeme (senior engineer) told me, "Siti, if you feel crap, just go home". Another David, insisted me to go home. I did not want to stay at home because I have nothing to do at home. However, I end up went home around 10 am as I cannot act cool with my croak voice. Hahaha…
On Friday, I took a leave as well. I was really sick because I stayed in bed from most of the time, while watching movies. Hahaha…No way I am going to stay still on my bed. Movies and books.
On Saturday, even though not fully recovered I decided to go out. I went to Dunnottar Castle again and bought groceries. My mates at work invited me to join them in the city watching football and chill out together. I don’t know why I did not go. I don’t know because I thought I want to go at first.
This time, I managed to enter the castle. Weather nice. View is spectacular.
Today, I cleaned the house, did some gardening at the backyard, also managed to finish reading an action book written by James Patterson. Now, I am sitting down at my desk writing this entry.
Honestly, it has been tough time for me for the last couple of weeks. Right now, I have ME-time, four days although I am a bit sick. I appreciate it very, very much. I lost motivation, this time for a good reason (I will share later), and when it happened, I don’t know what to do and what to feel. Most of the time, I felt angry. Being angry is so exhausted. I lost my focus and unhappy.
Therefore, many things happened when I was not myself. Quite hard though. Therefore, having four days alone gives me time and space to think properly. I called my mother last Wednesday, I shared with her everything that bother me, and compared why others don’t experience difficulties I am going through, why and why.
All my mother can say was, "Sabar lah. Akak memang lain dari yang lain sejak dulu. Dulu, masa kawan-kawan akak sambung belajar, akak kerja. Orang buat ini, akak buat sekian, sekian. Sabarlah. Bila tiba masanya, ada jalan keluar tu. Cari motivasi, jangan putus asa. Jangan layan hilang semangat tu lama-lama".
Translation: Be patient. Since beginning, you are always different from others. When your friends pursued studies, you started working. People do this, you do that and that. So, be patient. When the time comes, I am sure you will find the way out. Get motivated and don’t give up. Stop feeling demotivated.
I totally agree with her. Therefore, I am trying to find my spirit to move me forward. Thinking about it, actually nothing is stopping or dragging me down in reality. It is just myself feeling shite. I just need to find the way to get myself moving and for a start, stop whining and be positive!
Yeap, that’s it from me now. Gambatte! Hahaha… I will write again in the future. Take care folks.
Salam w.b.t. and see you later.
P/S - I am thinking to go to Budapest or Barcelona during Christmas and New Year Holiday. But I don’t have plan in place. Anyone???


  1. Hi Kak Siti! I'm eldissa from Indonesia and SLB assigned me to Aberdeen as well as IM FE in WL segment. Offer letter states that I will start in November but I'm trying to keep my expectation low since SLB is 'very dynamic'. Hope we'll get in touch later!

    I'm still on the journey for my Tier 2 visa, and the immigration consultant said Stage 1 (CoS) would be finished by mid-October. You know, waiting periods have never been nice ��
    Quick question, did you face any difficulties on obtaining your Tier 2 visa, especially as South-Eastern Asia? I wish I could remain as a silent reader scrolling through your feed especially SLB related - but I couldn't manage to find the one about UK Visa ��

    I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

    1. Hello Eldisa.

      Best nya awak datang sini! Boleh la kita berkawan di sini. Aberdeen is such a lonely and isolated place I would say. Having new people come here will make it less worse, honestly. Looking forward to meet you!

      When I applied for my Tier 2 Visa, not really much happened. The process was done smoothly, but I had to keep chasing people to know the progress. For example, email the HR, the relocation agent, and recruiter. It just want to make sure I know what is going on at that time. I received my passport and visa like 5 days before departure date. It was really close call, but Alhamdulillah I managed to get it and departed on time for my OFS. But, you have to keep in mind that Aberdeen is my third place being assigned to me after Australia and Indonesia as my visa has been refused.

      Therefore, it is good that you keep your expectation low. Things may change along the way, but don’t be negative/demotivated. Just medium, so you will not be very disappointed if things don’t go as you plan. (I learn from my experience, I was crushed to pieces before this when I let my hope to high)

      Eldisa, keep me posted about your progress. For wireline, you will need to attend the onboarding course right? Like a wireline school, if I am not mistaken. Or, are you coming straight to aberdeen first? Again, let me know about your progress.

      I can be reached at or my Facebook:

      Look forward to hear from you!


What is on your mind? Share it with me :D

See you at the next pit stop