Sunday, 4 January 2015

Estija 2014: Gua Tempurung

Salam w.b.t and hello everybody!

How is everyone doing? I hope that all of you are doing good. Recently, I joined my friend, Bee to Perak. The trip was arranged by Bee and her friends, which I did not know who they were. So, I just played cool and joined them. Hahaha…

The trip name was Estija 2014, named by the trip coordinator. The trip was two days and one night started on 27 December and finished on 28 December 2014. The total cost was RM310, petrol and toll are excluded. What a way to finish 2014, is not it? Basically, the tentative as following:

27 December 2014, Saturday

9.00 am - Meeting everyone at R&R Tapah
10.00 am - Depart to Homestay
11.00 am - Arrived at Air Terjun Orang Asli for the abseiling activity
1.30 pm - Lunch
2.30 pm - River craft at Sungai Itik
5.30 pm - Rest
8.00 pm - BBQ
12.30 am - Sleep

28 December 2014, Sunday

7.30 am - Breakfast
8.00 am - Depart to Gua Tempurung
9.30 am - Caving Gua Tempurung
1.00 pm - Lunch
1.30 pm - Flying Fox and Archery
4.15 pm - Go home

As for me, I departed from home around 5.45 am and took the KTM train to Tanjung Malim and friends picked me up there. Then we departed to Perak. When arrived, then I met the other people who were joining the event, who before this, we connected through Whatsapp only. We never met each other before. You know what, it was fun meeting new people as everyone interested to learn about each other and most of them are already working and some married. Exchange stories and opinions to break the ice. I think, by gathering around with new people also a way for me to enhance my social skill. As everyone knows, I am an idiot at making new friends.

Alright, I guess this is time for you guys to enjoy the pictures. All of the pictures are taken by using cameras and phones of others, not by me obviously. So, enjoy!

We arrived at the dorm where we are going to stay the night. Everyone looks "pwetty".
They said that we will go to the waterfall by four wheels drive. In my head, I pictured that the 4WD will be like Subaru or similar, but we were transported by a small lorry. has 4 wheels anyway. I felt like PATI (Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin) when I was on the lorry.

Before doing the abseiling, we were briefed on safety by Kapak (the yellow guy).

The height of the waterfall is about two-storey building. I have done much higher before, but this time is much more exciting because there are water as part of the challenge. Luckily my glasses was still intact.

The more right you go, the more stronger the water fall on you. So, I decided to move towards right part of the waterfall to feel the challenges. Wiwiwiwi…


This was my first time doing water rafting using tube, before this I used raft made from buluh.
The river is known as Sungai Itik, and we rafted about 8 km. I also learned several terms used in rafting such as on the job, pedal forward, pedal backward, boom boom, jump jump, and several more. There were at least 6 person on each raft, together with the guider. The river was so violent the current was strong. Bee (green scarf sat next to me), who onboard with me was carried by the strong current. Luckily, nothing worse happened.
Taking a picture with Bee, my old mate


While the guys doing the BBQ, girls do what girls do best, GOSSIP! Haha...kidding, the girls are playing games while waiting the food to be ready.


Gua Tempurung when translated into English is Skull Cave. This is the summary of the tour offered at Gua Tempurung and we subscribed for the Tour 3.

There are many stairs and it was very exhaustive. Like after 1 hour caving, my both knees were shaking vigorously because I was so tired. Then, it came to my realisation that it has been a year I do not shed my lovely body fat in an active way. :(

During the tour, we were showed the drawing on the cave walls. Actually, they are not human drawings. The drawings were a combination of bats' poo and urine that stick on the wall for years, somehow showing several pictures like Picasso's masterpiece.

Also, the guider showed us the shape of the rocks that look like cowboy, monkey riding a motorcycle, pig's leg, and many more. I barely saw any rock's shape resembled to anything mentioned by the guider. I honestly think that if there is any illusion test, I would hardly score any points.

I would call this as "Suicide Mission" because we have to slide down the rock and no safety mattress down there to catch us. If we fall, and fall hard, it is either we kiss the ground or worse, break our bones. It was intimidating, but luckily there were several people down there standby to catch us. Hahaha…

After we slide down, we go through this tiny little hole before we found the river. Then, we walked through the water until the finish line. Practically, we were not only walking. We crawled like a combat, keeping our head down try not to hit the pointy stalagmite/stalactite. 

If you stuck, then you stuck forever. Hahaha..
Throughout the river, I heard people "Auch", "Ooohh", and others because they hit the rock. It was dark although we had our headlamp. At first, I wanted to keep my personal record clear for not hitting any rocks. Unfortunately, I hit the rock once at the end of the water tunnel. I hit once and I felt a real pain surged on my head, I wonder how some of my friends doing when she hit the rock about 5 times. 

Took a rest and groufie before going out the cave.

FLYING FOX (What does the fox say?)
We also did a flying fox. Also, I have done much higher before at Sytrex Adventure, but it was still a great experience because I did not slam my face on tree like what happened at Skytrex.


After finish doing the Flying Fox, we had lunch then proceed to the archery yard. Each of us got seven arrows in the archery.

Me, aiming the target like Katniss Aberdeen. Wiwiwiwi...

This is the final picture taken before we go home.

Instead of dropping me at KTM Tanjung Malim, Bee sent me directly to my house. I arrived at my home around 8.00 pm, Alhamdulillah.

It was a great way to bring down the curtain of 2014. For me, the trip was like a little escapade for me and gave me the opportunity to get some fresh air after experiencing ups and downs throughout the year. Alhamdulillah.

Nevertheless, do not forget to pray for our families hit by massive flood in Pantai Timur as well other parts of Malaysia. Also, send our prayers to the victims of AirAsia Indonesia QZ flight, to our families in Syria, Palestine, and throughout the world.

I think that's all for this time. I will see you on next entry, InsyaALLAH. Take care folks! Salam w.b.t.

P/S - I want to go to Pantai Timur, contribute to people there. If anyone has similar attention and need people, please let me know. I want to take part.

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