Friday, 3 October 2014

Questions Being Asked During Job Interview

Salam w.b.t and hello guys.

How is everyone doing? I pray that each and everyone of you are in a good shape. In this entry, I would like to share some questions that were asked to me during my job hunting. I believe there are zillion of interview questions which you can find on the internet. Anyhow, I feel responsible to share what I dealt with and hopefully, this will somehow help the job seekers. Of course I am not able to list down all of them.  So, I decided to pick out the questions that are more standout from others.

  • Why don’t you find a job in Australia?
  • What is the biggest challenge you experienced when you first come to Australia?
  • What is the most challenging aspect when you were in Australia?
  • Do you like living in Australia?
  • Why did you pursue your studies in Australia? Why don’t you just go to any local university?
  • How many times did you come back to Malaysia during your undergraduate studies?
  • Are you planning to pursue studies at higher level like Master?
  • Why don’t you pursue your studies?
  • Why Engineering? Why Mechanical? Why Oil and Gas? Why not others?
  • Do you know how to use AutoCAD?
  • Give me an example showing you have the ability to learn new things.
  • What is the thing you ever done proud you the most?
  • What did you do during unemployed time?
  • What is the criteria when you finding a job?
  • Which is important, career or money?
  • Why don’t you do part time job, like working in fast food restaurants?
  • Why do you choose Oil and Gas industry to start your career?
  • What drives you to become an engineer?
  • What if you are the only female engineer and the rest are male engineers, are you going to be alright with this kind of situation?
  • Is it okay if you are located in rural area with limited choice of foods?
  • Do you have any plan to switch your career to another career which is not related to what you have learned?
  • Where do you see yourself in 3 years time?
  • How do you want to love your job/career?
  • Have you ever go to offshore platform?
  • Do you afraid of height and water?
  • Is it fine with you and your family to live apart from each other for a very long time?
  • If you are given a chance to choose a job location, where do you want to go? Why?
  • Give an example of showing your leadership skill.
  • What are the three things that make you inspire somebody?
  • What are the three things that make you dislike somebody?
  • When are you planning to get married?
  • Do you know karate, or any martial arts?
  • What did you learn from your final year thesis? What can be improved from your findings?

Alright folks. I guess this pretty much the questions I received at the job interviews, career fairs, and career trips. Well, I believe there will many more questions either expected or unexpected that you are going to face during job hunting. What I am sharing here is only a tiny piece of the picture. Though, I hope this will help you. Thank you for reading, hope to see you in the next entry. Take care and Salam w.b.t.

Getting a job is just a beginning, there are more to come after that

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