How are you guys doing? I am doing awesome. Haha..awesome is too cliché nowadays, isn't? Haha..Anyway, I hope all of you are doing awesome as well. Alhamdulillah, I am 23 today. I celebrated it with my family but it took place 8 days earlier than it is supposed to be because my sisters are no longer at home today. They already went back to their universities.
In conjunction with my 23rd birthday, I want to share 100 things I really happy that happened in my life so far. Thus, I spent quite a time keeping my head busy thinking of what I really grateful for, good things happened in my life, and others. It took me about 2 months and half trying to reach this target, unfortunately I merely managed to come out with 60 items. So, here comes the list.
- My dua's are granted by Allah SWT, Alhamdulillah
- I am a Muslim
- 23-years-old
- A place called home
- Cool and very patient mother
- Diligent sisters
- I am the eldest
- Caring grandparents from both parents' sides
- Several good and reliable friends
- A very good friend of mine is getting married soon
- Registered for Hajj, my turn is approximately in 2075
- Live in a peaceful country, Malaysia
- Used to live in Perth, Australia
- Field engineer at Schlumberger
- Opportunity to work in Australia
- Visited Korea
- Visited Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide
- Climbed Gunung Ledang
- Healthy body
- Healthy mind
- Ideal Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Ability to think and make a decision
- Can drive a car
- Completed my undergraduate studies
- Joined usrah when I was a student
- 1 percent loan repay to MARA
- Did not pursue studies at higher level, i.e. Master
- Long time for bonding with my family
- I have not-so-big family
- Enough money savings for several months
- Laptop so that I can watch movies
- Fridge full with foods
- A big bookshelf in my bedroom
- Able to listen to my favourite songs
- Funny childhood memory
- Able to be independent
- Not afraid of height and water
- Graduated from overseas' university
- Two tiny hamsters
- No food allergies
- ASTRO Channels on my TV
- Single-mingle
- Converse in English
- I have a smartphone
- Went to boarding schools, MRSM
- Met Dr Sheikh Muszaphar :)
- Started a blog and writing
- Expressed my feeling to a person I liked when I was in school. Silly me :O
- Not a good cook and I can eat my mom's cook frequently
- A night owl
- Know how to cook spaghetti carbonara
- My mom is a wonderful domestic engineer
- Complete collection of novels written by Ramlee Awang Mursyid
- I can read Quran, still, need improvement though
- Full driving license
- A car
- Celebrated two Eids with my mother and sisters
- Celebrated my 23rd birthday with my family
- Had ice cream cake for my 23rd birthday
- Doing this list
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Which one is me? :) |
happy birthdayyy tiqahh! hihi aku penah buat jugak ni mase kmkn ke micet ntah kat blog name die Senarai Kesyukuran Nuraisyah Rosli. tapi haritu aku bace balik macam segan pulak so aku private kan post tu :p anywayy, yg mara tu ko hanta borang pengurangan tu kat pejabat mara kan? lame tak nk tahu brape jumlah kite kne byr tu?
ReplyDeletethanks.a'a. aku antar kat pejabat MARA sekali dgn borang lapor diri. So, ada dua borang la masa aku gi ofis MARA tu. ak lapor diri dlm awal bulan 3, lepas grad sebab sekali bawak transcript degree. dia kata dalam 3 bulan tahulah berapa amount kena bayar. aku masa tu dia lambat kasi tau berapa jumlah nak bayar. so awal bulan 8 aku kol tnya berapa jumlahnya. the next day baru aku dapat surat MARA kasi tau final amount. takde lah lama sgt nak tahu, dlm 3-4 months. ko kol je dlm 2 months after kalau nak tahu.