Surprise! Yes, I am
engaged. Hahaha...Pardon me. I forgot to mention, I am engaged but it is in a dream. Haha…
Please do not
misunderstand the above statement.
Before I go any
further, first of all, Salam w.b.t. and hello folks.
All of you must be
wondering, what on earth has happened to me. In my previous entries, I always
shared the updates that already past. In a simple way, the mode most of my
entries are in "past tense". Right in this entry, I want to share the
current updates about myself. In another word, this entry will be in
"present tense". Well, nobody cares Atiqah. So, screw you.
At this moment, I am
at the living room writing the post.
About health,
Alhamdulillah, I am doing fine. Healthy mind and body, Alhamdulillah.
I have start
working. Of course, not with Slb. I will never decline the opportunity to work
with Slb, but for now it is better for me to start building my life from
scratch. As a start, find a job and work. I got another company in Rawang and I
work as a project engineer. I have been working there for three weeks now. The
company is dealing with pressure vessels fabrication and tanks with various
sizes and functions.
As a new comer, a
lot of things need to learn and do. Most of the things went well, so far. The
engineer I tag along known as Viki. He is nice and really helpful. Although I
asked a lot of stupid questions, he still answer and teach me.
Haha…Alhamdulillah, I am grateful because the people there treat me nicely. You
know, some people even get cursed on the first day of their working. I am
fortunate because I did not experience that. Well, if it happens in the future,
it will be a whole different story.
For a start, Viki gives me the opportunity to take charge one project that has 4 pressure
vessels. 4 vessels project is considered as a small project, because other
engineers like Viki is in charge of 39 pressure vessels. Imagine that..
During the
introduction, the male staffs asked me what my status is. I know they are just
fooling around and I understand that really well. Since I will be dealing with
men and working in the environment dominated by men, I don’t want to mix
personal matters and work. I would prefer to keep it formal. Thus, I have
decided to put a clear boundary to differentiate this and I had my answer
prepare beforehand.
So, when they asked,
"Are you married or single?". I answered, "I am already
engaged", in the meantime behave like I am reluctant to reveal my status.
They just nodded and said, "Oh man". So, end the story about my
status. Otherwise, if I said "single", they might ask a lot of
questions and the story will be much longer. I am afraid things could go wrong
in a long term. In my point of view, this is also like a self defense
mechanism. I don't want people particularly men to pay 'extra' attention to me
like what happened during my internship. I don't want the history to repeat
Besides, I am
inexperienced in handling this matter and I am not yet ready to take this kind
of risks. Frankly, I don't really like to discuss this matter in public and I
am not ready to jump into this situation. So, if a new person or strangers ask
me this, I will gladly say, "I am engaged". I think this question is
typically asked by Malaysian, not others. Back in Australia, no strangers asked
me. Thus, I did not have to do anything to hide my status.
My mother also
advised me, "If you want to hide about your marital status, that is fine
by me. However, make sure you do not go overboard".
mother, I got it".
Well, my mother also
used to do similar what I do. After my father passed away, we always moved from
one house to another. One residential area to another, from one state to
another, and kept changing schools. Then, whenever the neighbours asked my
mother questions like, "Where is the husband?", "What your
husband do for a living?", my mother's answers was, "He is
outstation. Seldom come home". Yeah, something like that. At first, as a
kid, I do not understand why my mother did that. After some time, I got it. She
wanted to protect us as well as herself. For instance, when we settle down in a
new housing area, we sure got a lot of attentions from people, good and bad
people. If bad people like robbers know there was no male in our house, and all
are girls, anything could happen. Besides, my mother was also working and none
to take care of us after we got back from schools. Thus, this was a method to
defense our family.
Apart from I am
already working, not much going on right now. Oh, I forgot. My youngest sister,
Adek came back for a study break last week. She stayed for less than a week,
and go back to her Uni. last Thursday. Currently, she is facing a trouble to
find a place to stay for the next semester despite many extra activities she
involved. She also did not see this coming, and she need to find a place to
rent and money is the limiting factor right now. I cannot do much for her as I
also just start working and yeah, money. I am sure you can imagine my situation
right now.
Angah is also trying
her best to get money from everywhere. She joins the online contests,
competition, radio ads, and many more. She also apply assistance from Lembaga
Zakat Selangor. However, not much luck now as we are not pure Selangor
heritance. My mother is a Malaccan, my father was from Pahang and all three of
us were born in Kuala Lumpur. So, too many "No" in this circumstance.
Hopefully, there will be rezki for us somewhere, in a new future.
In terms of social,
not much happen. I met Fakrul in person for the first time. He is also another
Slb-new-hired. We used to contact through Fb only and last week we met
face-to-face. I can say, although it was the first time meeting, it is like we
understand each other quite well as we go through similar shit together. Also,
Kamel, new hire also contacted me. I am quite relieved as he also know what
type of shit I go through as he also experience similar. What we are doing is,
we are trying to support each other at the moment. It does helps me to overcome
negative feelings that appear in myself once in a while. I know I will just
have to keep holding on and sure Allah S.W.T is preparing a great present for
me. I am confident His gift will be
unveiled in the near future. Aisyah also contacted me once in a while and I
really appreciate that, Aisyah. Thank you!
Erm, what else…
I don’t think I have
any more to share. I think that's all for now. Take care of yourself and be
nice to others. As we never know what kind of struggles other people is going
through, thus never make it worse by treating them badly. Be kind and gentle.
![]() |
Kak Daeng and I at
Rottnest Island back in 2011
Salam w.b.t and
P/S - Keep holding
on folks.
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